
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Downhill Alert: Makkah Hallal

Sad news about a once reliable place that is reliable no more. Makkah Hallal is a Bengali Indian restaurant on Vermont near Fourth Street which I've relied on for years for tasty versions of Northern Indian classics. As a bonus, they had a great lunch buffet and delivered.

Within the last month or so, however, the food has changed. I suspect a new cook is on hand as the dishes are completely different, lacking the zest and care that was their hallmark. The old saag paneer was full of spice and the paneer was given a good sear. The new saag is bland and the paneer has all the flavor and texture of raw tofu cubes.

The cheese naan is now filled not with Indian cheese, but with orange cheddar, making a sort of Indian quesadilla; even my kids wouldn't eat it, and when kids won't eat bread with melted cheese, you know something is wrong.

This is a sad, sad fate for a once tasty venue. Luckily, Bangladeshi goat palace Taurat Tandoori is just up the street, but I still have to find someone else in the vicinity to deliver.

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