
Friday, November 30, 2012

CORRECTION: Trader Joe's Bourbon is Barton

Earlier this week, I reviewed Trader Joe's new bourbon and noted that it was distilled by Buffalo Trace. While it is a product of the Buffalo Trace company, BT contacted me to let me know that it is actually distilled at the 1792 Barton Distillery, which Buffalo Trace owns. Thanks to BT for the correction.


  1. So that means Buffalo Trace really doesn't sell their bourbon to others.

  2. But Barton is still contract distilling. It's nice to see Buffalo Trace sending in a correction.

  3. I'm marking this one done. Can't hardly believed the the day came a distiller admitted such news. I was always under the impression that nobody sold bulk whiskey, except when they did. :)

  4. Eric, they also told me that Buffalo Trace hasn't sold a barrel to anyone else in 15 years.

  5. The guys who bottle Widow Jane bourbon claim that their 5 year is from Buffalo Trace, though they didn't clarify whether it was from Barton or directly from BT's stills.
