
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Some Interesting Whiskey Blogs

In compiling my complete list of whiskey blogs, I stumbled on more than a few that I hadn't seen before and was reminded of others that I really enjoy.  I'm always looking for whiskey blogs that provide an alternative perspective, and here are a few I've been reading lately that I find particularly interesting. 

  • Clay Risen is a staff editor at the New York Times who writes the Mash Notes blog.  He also writes whiskey articles for the Times, and unlike most whiskey articles in the mainstream press, Risen makes sure his articles are accurate and not always about Pappy Van Winkle.  He's not the most prolific blogger, but he's an engaging and honest writer which makes his blog a real pleasure.  He's also working on a book about American whiskey.
  • Linh Do is the Los Angeles based blogger who writes Bliss in a Barrel.  Her posts tend to revolve around some of the local whiskey clubs and on-line networks she's involved in, but she also works in the industry, and has some fascinating posts about working as a liquor company representative.  I'm hoping she'll continue to blog in that direction.
  • If you're looking for something a bit different, check out Rob Gard's The Whisky Guy. Rob is another LA based blogger who previously worked at Bruichladdich.  Rob's blog is not as much about whiskey as it uses whiskey as a background to examine human nature.  Rob is also working on a book about his experiences working at a distillery.
There's lots of good whiskey stuff to read out there (in fact, there are 259 whiskey blogs at present count), and these are just a few of them, but they're good ones so check them out.

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