
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Things go better with Gazoz Tarragon Soda

I was intrigued by the idea of a tarragon soda when I heard they had one at Taron Bakery, my favorite Armenian bakery in Hollywood.  From what I can tell, gazoz means soda (or gas) in Turkish, but this brand appears to be Armenian.  The bottle claims it's a "fresh and natural choice," though it's hard to believe that the fluorescent green color comes from anything natural.

Gazoz has a nice, minty/licorice flavor, and indeed, tastes a lot like tarragon.  It actually tastes a bit like absinthe, which makes sense since tarragon is an ingredient in some absinthes.  Overall, it's a pleasant, refreshing drink, perfect to wash down some boreks.


  1. was this post re-posted? I'm getting a serious sense of deja vu, since I could have sworn you had posted about an Armenian bakery recently with a mention of boreks... regardless, sounds intriguing, thanks for the review!

  2. I think my last Armenian bakery review was Taron way back in '08. Maybe that was some other blog.

  3. You kidding me? The cocktail culture is SCREAMING for this!

  4. I could look it up, but pray tell, what is a borek?

  5. A borek is an Armenian pastry that's sort of like a calzone. It's typically filled with cheese, meat or spinach. Very tasty.

  6. I just bought a bottle of this, it is interesting...and as some one said...gonna try to make a cocktail with it. What do you think, would a little lemon or lime be good? I have Pernod (anise flavor) and I mixed it with the Garoz, definately worked to gether but very needs something to break that sweetness up a little...I could ad a bit of sparling water but that still isn't the break I'm looking for, what do you guys think?

  7. Sounds like lemon would work well. You could also add club soda. Maybe some Cognac or rye whiskey too as a play on a Sazerac?
