
Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Sku Awards: Stupidest Whiskey Trend

The stupidest whiskey trend of the year is investing in stupid, whiskey related crap on Kickstarter. A new glass utilizing "A process of combining fluid dynamics modeling and bio-mimicry," a piece of wood that will enhance your whiskey through "accelerated transpiration through capillary action," a charred oak tumbler to age your whiskey while you drink it - this is just some of the whiskey paraphernalia that is asking for your hard earned money on Kickstarter.

Here's some free investment advice. If the whiskey you're drinking is so crappy that you need all of this junk to make it taste decent, maybe you should be investing in better whiskey.

Tomorrow: the Stupidest Person in All of Whiskey!


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you. So Much Bullshit.

  2. Bullshit is the new religion. Fortunately, we still have the freedom to ignore it.

  3. Wow. There is a lot of nonsense on those kickstarter pages. It reminds me of audiophile insanity.

  4. And despite all the weirdness they all raised substantial capital. Wow.

  5. Sam Komlenic said...
    And despite all the weirdness they all raised substantial capital. Wow.

    Sam, I think there is a PT Barnum quote along those lines.

  6. Mark Twain would have a field day

  7. Bravo, SKU! Thanks you.
