Crumbs is one of the newer entrants into the Los Angeles cupcake world. A block down from Sprinkles, on what is becoming the cupcake lane of Little Santa Monica Boulevard, the venerable New York cupcakery sells softball sized cupcakes in playful flavors like Snickers, Twinkie and Oreo.
I recently tried a sampling of them, including Oreo, Devil Dog, s'mores, chocolate blackout, pecan pie, Snickers, vanilla with chocolate cream and the famous Artie Lange cupcake (a caramel monstrosity apparently named for a radio personality from the Howard Stern show -- as you can tell, I'm not a fan). They had light moist cake, velvety buttercream frosting and cream fillings. I was most partial to the Devil Dog with its perfect, fluffy white cream...it's like what you wish the cream inside a Twinkie (or a Drake's Devil Dog, for you East Coasters) tasted like, but it never does.
If there is a flaw to these cakes it was that the sweetness overwhelmed the other flavors. I tend to like my desserts more on the rich side and less sweet, and these were enormous sugar bombs. A little less sugar, a little more subtlety and these could be amazing, but as is, they are quite good.
9465 South Santa Monica Blvd.
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
(310) 550-9811
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