
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Year in Review

This marks the end of the first full calendar year of Sku's Recent Eats. (We started up back in May 2007). I thought I would take this opportunity to do something that is almost never done...see if we made good on last year's New Year's resolutions. Let's take a look back at the resolutions I posted on January 1, 2008.

1. Go for Indian in Artesia. We did it, and found some great eats, but I'd still like to do more.

2. Get to know Brandy. Not yet, but it's coming, really, I swear. Early next year we will introduce a series of Brandy Fridays.

3. Eat East LA. Well, I did do a comparison of two of the big Mexican chains that originated there and checked out Babita, but I never made it to Whittier Boulevard, so we'll chalk that up as a not yet.

4. Go to Seven Grand. We went but decided we liked the Daily Pint better.

5. Find the Best Banh Mi in the OC. Well, we've been to a few since then, but no write ups yet, so not yet for this one.

6. Explore Macallan. I did sample the Cask Strength Macallan, so by a loose definition of the term "explore," I'm going to count it.

7. More Korean Food. This one we hit out of the ball park with visits to Korean Barbecues ChoSun Galbee, Suhrabal, Ham Ji Park and Park's BBQ. We also explored the new Korean Fried Chicken outlets KyoChon, BonChon and Chicken Day. In addition, we checked out the Korean-continental Haus Dessert Boutique and the Korean pizza joint Mr. Pizza Factory.

Overall, out of seven resolutions, I accomplished four and will have another one (brandy) done very soon. I'd say that's not a bad record. If all Americans kept the majority of their resolutions, we'd all be a lot thinner and have less debt.

In addition to all of that, we had a lot of fun this year. I especially enjoyed our trip to Hawaii, our ten part American Whiskey series, our recent Disney Dining review, my daughter's favorite restaurants and my series on classic American whiskey cocktails, not to mention all of my dalliances with the holy trinity of cheese, chocolate and whiskey.

And now it's on to 2009. Happy New Year everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Sku.
    Nice work, 5 out of 7.
    I forgot to thank you about the tip you gave me about corn dot in California Adventure. I tried it. It was my first authentic corn dog experience and was interesting. You might know that in Japan a similar but very different thing is called American dog and kind of popular as a light snack.
    Anyway, I wanted to try Indian in Artesia for a long time and didn't know you've written about it. All I was looking for was a good guidance so I'll try next year, thanks to you.
    Happy new year!
