Redbreast is that most Irish of whiskies: pure pot still and triple distilled at Midleton, the home of Jameson. Aged 12 years, it's part of the new wave of Irish whiskies which do all they can to belie the reputation of Irish whiskies as lacking in serious flavor and worthy of being dumped in coffee.
The aroma of Redbreast is floral and perfumey...it is definitely Irish and isn't trying to hide its character. The taste is distinctively malty, but with some lightness to it. You could mistake if for a Scotch, either a very good blend or a smooth Lowlander, if tasting it blind.
This is the first time I've ventured outside the big names of Irish Whiskey, and it's very promising. I will continue to delve into the emerald isle...and maybe I'll even do it during one of the other eleven months of the year.
Redbreast is available at most good liquor stores for around $40. They make a 15 year old which is supposed to be fabulous but which is not available in the US for now.
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