If you know someone who's a fan of single malt or world whiskeys, you should consider
The New Single Malt Whiskey as a holiday gift. Edited by Carlo DeVito, the massive tome covers nearly every aspect of single malt including reviews of over 300 malts from nearly 200 distilleries across the globe. The list of over 60 contributors includes nearly everyone who has ever written anything about whiskey (myself included).
The only caution I'd give is that if you're a frequent reader of blogs, a number of these pieces will look familiar, having been lifted directly from the whiskey blogosphere.
The New Single Malt Whiskey ($35)
Carlos DeVito, Editor
Cider Mill Press
When you say "lifted" do you mean that the contributors might not all know that they're in the book?
No. No. it was all done with permission.
So it's a bound collection of printed blog posts?
Not exclusively, but that's a lot of what it is.
You know it's quality because I'm not in it.
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